Jerzy Stelmach - Professor Doctor habilitatus, Professor of Law since 1996, doctor honoris causa of Karl Ruprecht Universität (Heidelberg University), registered legal adviser on the list of legal advisers of the Kraków District Chamber of Legal Advisors, former President of the Supervisory Board of the Kraków Market Development Agency, President of the Board of Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii sp. z o.o. in Kraków, i.e. the company which manages the Kraków Special Economic Zone. He is also the founder and owner of Centrum Prawne publishing house. Areas of specialisation: preparing and providing legal support for investment processes, public procurement law – German and English language skills.

Stelmach, Dziewałtowski i Wspólnicy
Professional and Effective
“Tailored to the Client’s Needs.”
The Company
“Knowledge and experience”
The Law Office of Stelmach, Dziewałtowski i Parnterzy s.c. continues the work of the Centrum Prawne s.c., founded by Jerzy Stelmach in 1991. Until 2007 the firm’s partners were the legal advisers Jerzy Stelmach, Andrzej Dziewałtowski-Gintowt and Aneta Kłos.
On 1 January 2008, we were joined by legal adviser Jerzy Sikora, a long-time employee of the company. At the present time, our partners are: Jerzy Stelmach, Andrzej Dziewałtowski-Gintowt and Aneta Kłos and Jerzy Sikora.
Our long established, unchanging team is proof, on the one hand, of our ability to adapt constantly to the changing needs of the market and, on the other, demonstrates the wealth of experience we can offer our clients.
These two factors, together with our strict recruitment procedures, whereby we only seek employees and associates from among the top graduates of the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law and Administration , ensures that we can satisfy all our clients’ needs.

Areas of specialisation
Our Law Office endeavours to provide a full range of legal services for business entities. However, our main interests are commercial law, legal support for construction investments, public procurement law and copyright law.
The Team

Jerzy Stelmach

Adrianna Gołębiowska asystentka
a graduate in administration from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University – English language skills.

Andrzej Dziewałtowski - Gintowt
Andrzej Dziewałtowski - Gintowt - a registered legal advisor on the list of legal advisers of the Kraków District Chamber of Legal Advisors – a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, areas of specialisation: civil law, with special emphasis on real estate law, public procurement law, copyright – English language skills.

Wojciech Bańczyk aplikant
Wojciech Bańczyk - a PhD student in the Department of Civil Law, Jagiellonian University, graduated summa cum laude from the Faculty of Law and Administration. He is also a graduate of the School of German Law run by Ruprecht-Karls Universität (Heidelberg University) and Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz in collaboration with the Jagiellonian University as well as of the School of American Law run by The Catholic University of America in Washington in collaboration with Jagiellonian University, areas of specialisation: contract law, inheritance law, English and German language skills.

Aneta Kłos
Aneta Kłos - a registered legal advisor on the list of legal advisers of the Kraków District Chamber of Legal Advisers – a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, areas of specialisation: business law, real estate law – English language skills.

Justyna Święch Pracownik
Justyna Święch – assistant, a graduate in biology from the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University, and of the Institute of Pedagogy, Jagiellonian University – English and German language skills.

Jerzy Sikora
Jerzy Sikora - registered legal advisor on the list of legal advisers of the Kraków District Chamber of Legal Advisors, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University as well as of the School of German Law organised by Jagiellonian University in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg and University of Mainz, areas of specialisation: civil law, copyright law, employment law – German and English language skills.

Katarzyna Kołodziej Pracownik
Katarzyna Kołodziej – chief accountant, a graduate in economics from the Faculty of Management and Marketing, Cracow University of Economics – English language skills.
31-126 Kraków
ul. Grabowskiego 5/1
tel. 0 12 632 50 44
fax 0 12 632 48 99
NIP: 676-01-11-398
REGON: 350013106